Friday, February 22, 2013


Spindle time as sowing illusions
Drowning in a sea of images
The measures that raise life seconds
Human is the animate doll who conquered the presence

Life from the past back to the present
From the present for the future
Turnover outlined by destiny
Like an hourglass that acts as a reciprocal measure of the time

The limitations are things of beauty
When the end of a round will be on relief
As the satisfied thirst
As the favor of all the sacrifices

Life in all parts come with the name of love
A form that presents a mirage
A perfect fundamental when you touch
It was part of a mortal but drunk when you shed

Small leaps present the flowers of aesthetic
A conclusion atop of provisions that you can reaped
I will not give up in any of those circumstances
My life is still in the front line of this battlefield

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